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WeLcOmE tO mY hOmE pAgE
Welcome to this site. This is a new site for me. I thank you from droping by I am MoNkEy. I hope you enjoy this site. This site if for my story I am writing which is called "Differences? Who cares!" I hope you enjoy getting to know the charaters in this story. I might also bring this into a Manga but you never know. Get a hold of me on AIM=LilGipsyPrincess
ChArAcTeR iNfOrMaTiOn
All of the charaters in this story are people you would probably see in you everyday life. But there are things you didn't know or you thought could never happen to someone like you. But I promise you... ThEy CaN!

CoNtAcT mE
My Email is use this if you just wanna say hey! Or also tell me if there is anything I need to fix your you think would sound sweet.

WhAt YoU wIlL sEe
1] information on characters in the story
2] bits a peices from the story
3] mabey some day the story...
4] pictures I drew of the charaters in the story

~PlEaSe EnJoY~